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Doubleday Baseball League
League Rookie Draft Pool Pitcher Report - Scouted by: OSA
Pitchers Age Role Stuff Movement Control Velocity Stamina
Brian J. Anderson 20 SP 7 11 18 89-91 Mph 16
Mike J. Anderson 26 RP 10 6 9 88-90 Mph 2
Rene Arocha 26 SP 9 12 17 89-91 Mph 11
Cory Bailey 21 RP 11 16 9 90-92 Mph 2
Rich Batchelor 25 RP 11 13 13 91-93 Mph 2
Jason Bere 21 SP 14 12 9 92-94 Mph 17
Sean Bergman 22 SP 9 12 14 90-92 Mph 15
Rod Bolton 24 RP 8 12 10 89-91 Mph 6
Billy Brewer 24 RP 11 10 10 90-92 Mph 2
Jeff Bronkey 27 RP 9 12 16 89-91 Mph 3
Scott Brow 23 RP 9 11 9 89-91 Mph 2
Greg Brummett 25 SP 8 9 10 89-91 Mph 16
Enrique Burgos 27 RP 11 13 8 90-92 Mph 2
Chris Bushing 25 RP 10 10 8 90-92 Mph 2
Jim Converse 21 RP 10 16 8 90-92 Mph 5
Andy Cook 25 RP 10 10 6 90-92 Mph 2
John Cummings 23 RP 9 13 10 89-91 Mph 7
Omar Daal 20 SP 11 12 12 89-91 Mph 12
John DeSilva 25 RP 9 12 9 89-91 Mph 2
Jerry DiPoto 24 RP 12 16 13 90-92 Mph 3
Steve Dixon 23 RP 10 10 5 90-92 Mph 2
Mike Draper 26 RP 6 16 15 89-91 Mph 2
Steve Dreyer 23 RP 9 12 9 89-91 Mph 5
Mark Ettles 26 RP 8 6 14 90-92 Mph 2
Huck Flener 23 RP 11 14 10 89-91 Mph 2
Paul Fletcher 25 RP 10 11 9 90-92 Mph 2
Kevin Foster 23 SP 14 10 10 91-93 Mph 16
Scott Fredrickson 25 RP 10 13 9 90-92 Mph 2
Greg Gohr 25 RP 11 15 11 91-93 Mph 2
Pat Gomez 24 RP 11 16 9 89-91 Mph 2
Jeff Granger 21 RP 9 9 8 89-91 Mph 2
Tyler Green 22 SP 11 12 9 90-92 Mph 13
Kenny Greer 25 RP 11 11 10 91-93 Mph 2
Eddie Guardado 22 RP 15 12 14 90-92 Mph 5
Mike Hampton 20 SP 10 16 11 90-92 Mph 15
Trevor Hoffman 25 RP 16 14 15 95-97 Mph 2
Brad Holman 24 RP 8 17 10 90-92 Mph 3
Mark Holzemer 23 RP 10 12 13 90-92 Mph 2
John Hope 22 RP 8 16 15 90-92 Mph 3
Chris Howard 27 RP 9 13 18 90-92 Mph 2
Mark Hutton 22 RP 9 12 9 89-91 Mph 3
Domingo Jean 23 RP 9 7 10 89-91 Mph 1
Miguel Jimenez 23 SP 8 6 7 89-91 Mph 7
John Johnstone 24 RP 12 11 13 93-95 Mph 2
Bobby J. Jones 22 SP 9 16 14 90-92 Mph 19
Todd Jones 24 RP 11 15 12 92-94 Mph 3
Steve Karsay 20 RP 10 15 15 90-92 Mph 7
Mark Kiefer 24 RP 13 12 9 93-95 Mph 2
Kevin King 23 RP 8 17 8 89-91 Mph 2
Phil Leftwich 23 SP 8 13 13 89-91 Mph 17
Curt Leskanic 24 RP 12 13 10 92-94 Mph 4
Graeme Lloyd 25 RP 8 16 18 90-92 Mph 2
Brian Looney 23 RP 11 15 10 90-92 Mph 2
Albie Lopez 21 RP 11 11 12 90-92 Mph 6
Larry Luebbers 23 SP 7 12 10 90-92 Mph 15
Pedro Martinez 24 RP 13 14 9 91-93 Mph 2
Kevin McGehee 23 RP 8 6 11 89-91 Mph 3
Greg McMichael 26 RP 12 16 15 93-95 Mph 2
Brett Merriman 26 RP 9 16 7 90-92 Mph 2
Dan Miceli 22 RP 11 12 11 90-92 Mph 2
Nate Minchey 23 SP 8 14 13 89-91 Mph 13
Angel Miranda 23 SP 11 13 9 90-92 Mph 17
Mike Mohler 24 RP 11 16 9 90-92 Mph 1
Marcus Moore 22 RP 12 12 8 90-92 Mph 2
Bobby Munoz 24 RP 9 16 12 89-91 Mph 4
Robb Nen 23 RP 14 15 15 94-96 Mph 3
John P. O'Donoghue 23 RP 12 8 9 90-92 Mph 2
Darren Oliver 22 SP 12 13 12 90-92 Mph 14
Mike Oquist 24 RP 11 14 11 89-91 Mph 7
Lance Painter 25 SP 9 12 15 90-92 Mph 11
Brad Pennington 23 RP 15 6 6 94-96 Mph 2
Erik Plantenberg 24 RP 8 16 9 89-91 Mph 2
Ross Powell 24 RP 12 13 9 90-92 Mph 2
Rich W. Robertson 24 RP 11 13 10 90-92 Mph 11
John Roper 21 SP 9 9 12 90-92 Mph 15
Kirk Rueter 22 SP 7 13 16 89-91 Mph 14
Scott Ruffcorn 22 RP 9 11 7 89-91 Mph 1
Johnny Ruffin 21 RP 11 13 13 90-92 Mph 3
Roger Salkeld 21 SP 12 15 9 89-91 Mph 14
Scott Sanders 23 RP 16 14 12 91-93 Mph 9
Jeff Schwarz 28 RP 13 17 6 92-94 Mph 2
Darryl Scott 24 RP 10 15 9 90-92 Mph 2
Aaron Sele 22 SP 12 15 13 90-92 Mph 18
Zak Shinall 24 RP 9 10 9 90-92 Mph 2
Brian Shouse 24 RP 9 19 18 89-91 Mph 2
Roger Smithberg 26 RP 8 10 10 89-91 Mph 2
Jerry Spradlin 25 RP 11 13 16 90-92 Mph 2
Paul Swingle 26 RP 9 9 9 89-91 Mph 2
Julian Tavarez 19 RP 8 16 13 90-92 Mph 4
Kerry Taylor 21 RP 11 12 8 89-91 Mph 2
Dave Telgheder 26 RP 9 11 13 89-91 Mph 4
Salomon Torres 20 SP 8 16 13 90-92 Mph 15
Steve Trachsel 22 SP 11 12 12 90-92 Mph 18
George Tsamis 25 RP 6 11 14 90-92 Mph 3
Matt Turner 25 RP 11 15 10 90-92 Mph 2
Tom Urbani 24 SP 9 12 13 90-92 Mph 7
Allen Watson 22 SP 10 11 11 88-90 Mph 15
Turk Wendell 25 RP 11 13 10 90-92 Mph 3
Bill Wertz 25 RP 11 13 9 90-92 Mph 3
Woody Williams 26 SP 10 15 14 90-92 Mph 14
Tim Worrell 25 RP 11 14 12 90-92 Mph 6
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