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Los Angeles Dodgers
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Roster Status and Financial Information
Players Under Contract Cap Status Future Commitments
Active Roster: 30 Salary Cap: $4,250,000 1994 Contracted: $1,362,500
Reserve Roster: 0 Payroll: $2,620,156 1995 Contracted: $1,572,500
Injured List: 0 Dead Money: $0 1996 Contracted: $1,397,500
Total Players: 30 Cap Room: $1,629,844 1997 Contracted: $1,470,000
Open Spots: 10 1998 Contracted: $0
1999 Contracted: $0
Active Roster
Pitchers YOS Status Contract 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Bailey, Cory 0.000 Active Entry $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $35,000
Borbon, Pedro F. 0.117 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
DiPoto, Jerry 0.000 Active Entry $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000
Maddux, Greg 6.134 Active Franchise $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000 $250,000
Minor, Blas 1.000 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Osborne, Donovan 1.000 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Painter, Lance 0.000 Active Entry $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
Sele, Aaron 0.000 Active Standard $120,000 $125,000 $130,000 $135,000 $140,000
Taylor, Wade 0.005 Active Entry $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Young, Pete 0.000 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Hitters YOS Status Contract 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Arias, Alex 0.104 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Gomez, Chris 0.000 Active Entry $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $35,000
Green, Shawn 0.000 Active Standard $105,000 $110,000 $115,000 $120,000 $125,000
Hocking, Denny 0.000 Active Entry $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000
Klesko, Ryan 1.000 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Lemke, Mark 1.085 Active Entry+2 $37,500 $65,000 $100,000
Nieves, Melvin 0.000 Active Entry $27,500 $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Olson, Greg 0.102 Active Entry+1 $35,000 $65,000 $100,000
Sabo, Chris 5.000 Active Legacy $75,000 $75,000
Sprague, Ed Jr. 1.073 Active Entry $30,000 $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Reserve Roster
Pitchers YOS Status Contract 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Hitters YOS Status Contract 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Entry Extension Eligible
Player YOS Status Contract 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Barnes, Brian 0.116 Active Entry $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Boskie, Shawn 1.045 Active Entry $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Radinsky, Scott 1.138 Active Entry $32,500 $65,000 $100,000
Standard Extension Eligible
Player YOS Status Contract 1993 Demand
Boston, Daryl 7.167 Active Legacy $116,680 *$118,600
Durham, Leon 12.171 Active Legacy $105,000 *$260,000
James, Dion 9.068 Active Legacy $247,100 *$410,000
Miller, Keith A. 5.009 Active Legacy $54,000 *$125,000
Tettleton, Mickey 8.027 Active Legacy $381,063 *$650,000
Teufel, Tim 9.004 Active Legacy $176,000 *$410,000
Young, Matt 10.000 Active Legacy $382,813 *$600,000
Release Waivers
Player YOS Status Contract 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
Dead Money
Player 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 Notes
Draft Holds $- $- $- $- $- Draft
DBL Draft Picks
Year Round Team # Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
1993 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1993 3 Reds TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1993 3 Dodgers TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1993 4 Reds TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1994 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1994 3 Dodgers TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1994 4 Dodgers TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1995 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1995 3 Dodgers TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1995 3 Red Sox TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1995 4 Dodgers TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1995 4 Marlins TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1996 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1996 2 Dodgers TBD $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000
1996 3 Dodgers TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1996 3 Red Sox TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1996 4 Dodgers TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1997 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1997 2 Dodgers TBD $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000
1997 4 Dodgers TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1998 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1998 2 Dodgers TBD $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000
1998 3 Dodgers TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1998 4 Dodgers TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000
1999 1 Dodgers TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD
1999 2 Dodgers TBD $50,000 $55,000 $60,000 $65,000 $70,000
1999 3 Dodgers TBD $35,000 $37,500 $40,000 $42,500 $45,000
1999 4 Dodgers TBD $25,000 $27,500 $30,000 $32,000 $35,000