DBL | StatsLab | FA | Hall of Fame | Auction | Re-Signing Chart | ContractBuilder | Slack | Rules
Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | History |
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Lloyd McClendon 10th Tied for 6th 15th
First Basemen Phil B. Clark 14th Greg Pirkl 8th 7th
Second Basemen Carlos Garcia 24th Roberto Mejia 4th 8th
Third Basemen Mike Gallego 24th Tied for 3rd 24th
Shortstops Mike Benjamin 18th Kurt Abbott 3rd 6th
Left Fielders Manny Ramirez 15th Manny Ramirez Tied for 1st 4th
Center Fielders Brady Anderson 24th Tied for 5th 24th
Right Fielders Troy Neel 15th Jeffrey Hammonds Tied for 7th 10th
Starting Pitchers Rod Nichols 22nd Tied for 18th 23rd
Relievers Cliff Speck 19th Sean Bergman Tied for 2nd 11th
Closers Jeff Innis 22nd Sean Bergman Tied for 7th 11th
The DBL is powered by OOTP 20.