DBL | StatsLab | FA | Hall of Fame | Auction | Re-Signing Chart | ContractBuilder | Slack | Rules
Scores | Standings | Stats | Teams | Players | History |
Position Top player Team ranking Top prospect Organizational ranking Overall ranking
Catchers Chris Hoiles 2nd Tied for 6th 7th
First Basemen Jim Thome 2nd Tied for 10th 10th
Second Basemen Roberto Alomar 1st Tied for 7th 4th
Third Basemen Tim Naehring 6th Tied for 3rd 8th
Shortstops Barry Larkin 2nd Ricky Gutierrez 2nd 2nd
Left Fielders Reggie L. Sanders 10th Tied for 9th 14th
Center Fielders Ray Lankford 3rd Tied for 5th 7th
Right Fielders Orlando Merced 12th Jeromy Burnitz 7th 8th
Starting Pitchers Kevin Brown 1st Bobby J. Jones Tied for 6th 3rd
Relievers Mike Schooler 3rd Kevin Rogers 13th 8th
Closers John Habyan 15th Kevin Rogers 13th 13th
The DBL is powered by OOTP 20.