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Clemente Baseball League
Ramirez Misbehaves, Suspended 4 Games
Ramirez Misbehaves, Suspended 4 Games
Tuesday, August 13th, 1991
The Rochester Red Wings were not very happy with the home plate umpire in today's loss to Miami at Silver Stadium. One in particular -- Rafael Ramirez. Upon being called out on strikes, the Red Wings shortstop gave the ump quite an earful. For that, the man in blue gave him the thumb and sent him to an early shower.

But the disgruntled Ramirez lingered on the field for another five minutes, berating the umpire. Finally his manager got him off the field and into the clubhouse.

But it got worse after the game, when Ramirez told reporters, "He was blind today. They played 'Three Blind Mice' for him. If he doesn't know the words to the song, I'm sure we can get it in Braille, so he can follow along."

For his escapades and after-the-game oration, the league office suspended Ramirez for 4 games.

So far this year Ramirez is batting .231 with 1 home run, 32 RBIs and 34 runs scored.
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